Analysis of the landscape dynamics the in Barrancas district (Maipú, Mendoza) with Google Earth
Barrancas district (Maipú department, Mendoza, Argentina) landscape is undergoing recent and relatively rapid modifications due to changes in land use. For this reason, we propose, as a general objective, to analyze the Barrancas district landscape dynamics since the 1990s, and, as specific objectives, to identify recent impacts -of natural or anthropic origin- that allow us to evaluate the production model stability or variability, and to identify trends of change in the short and medium term. The landscape was considered from a Systemic conception and Landscape Ecology was used as a methodological tool: from a qualitative analysis, the dynamics in landscape units and subunits was evaluated. As a result, it was possible to identify specific and extensive changes in some landscape units, some of which can negatively affect the stability of the agricultural production model and the preservation of archaeological resources in the area.
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