Live fuel moisture content and ignition probability in the Iberian Peninsular territory of Spain


  • Sara Jurdao Knecht
  • Marta Yebra Álvarez
  • Aitor Bastarrika
  • Emilio Chuvieco


Live Fuel Moisture Content, Spain, Radiative Transfer Models, Ignition Probability, MODIS.


This paper presents an operational algorithm to produce Live Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) at national scale from MODIS data. The algorithm is based on the inversion of Radiative Transfer Models (RTM) that estimate moisture content based on different simulation scenarios. In addition, logistic regression models were calibrated to convert the derived LFMC values into Ignition Probability (IP) maps. The areas under the curve obtained by the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) plot method provided by the models were close to 0.6. Several statistical analyses were performed in order to ascertain whether the variables proposed to be included in the fire danger model were significantly related to forest fires. A non parametric U-Mann-Withney test confirmed significant differences between fire and non-fire pixels (p<0.001). Fire pixels occurred at significantly lower LFMC values than the non-fire pixels.

Como Citar

Jurdao Knecht, S., Yebra Álvarez, M., Bastarrika, A., & Chuvieco, E. (2014). Live fuel moisture content and ignition probability in the Iberian Peninsular territory of Spain. GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and Technology, (13_2), 25–40. Obtido de