Spatial analysis of sediment transport by area of ​​contribution of tributaries without vegetation cover in the Una River basin




The erosion and sedimentation processes of a watershed can cause a range of environmental and economic impacts, especially when they affect water resources, with these factors largely depending on soil characteristics and anthropogenic land-use management. In this study, geoprocessing techniques were applied, including satellite image analysis, digital elevation models, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to identify priority areas for vegetation restoration along riverbanks. The methodology considered soil characterization based on soil loss due to water erosion and the contributing area of each tributary, analyzing the impact of agricultural activities and the absence of vegetation cover in these areas. The study was conducted in the Una River Basin (URB), located in the Southeast region of Brazil, identifying 19 contributing areas by tributary with the highest soil loss, ranging from 10 to 50 t/(ha·year). The most impacted area showed an annual loss of approximately 7.3 tons of soil being carried into the watercourse. The methodology used, by integrating spatial analysis and physical soil characteristics, proved to be an important tool for environmental and territorial management, particularly for prioritizing vegetation restoration areas, directly reflecting on the sustainability of water resources.



How to Cite

Sales, J. C. A., Arantes, L. T. ., Nery, L. M. ., Santos, A. P. dos, Silva, D. C. da C. e, & Lourenço, R. W. . (2024). Spatial analysis of sediment transport by area of ​​contribution of tributaries without vegetation cover in the Una River basin. GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and Technology, (34), 45–62.


