Uso de aplicativos computacionais livres em disciplinas de mapeamento geológico


  • Arthur Schmidt Nanni
  • Alexandre De Oliveira Chaves


mapping, open source software, GIS, graphic editing


This article shows the application of open source software in geological mapping courses using databases consolidation through geoprocessing in a GIS environment, up to a final graphic design in order to achieve a product with precision and visual quality. The use of open source software tools prove that these resources are ready for practical application, presenting several advantages like: licenses flexibility and large software support on a global scale.

How to Cite

Nanni, A. S., & Chaves, A. D. O. (2014). Uso de aplicativos computacionais livres em disciplinas de mapeamento geológico. GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and Technology, (11), 55–65. Retrieved from



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